Assembly line Driver
Bespoke implant pick up driver for TiUltra coating process.
Industrial design and industrialization sound like they go together but most of the time they do not. Industrial design looks at form shape and usability where industrialization looks at how to ramp up a technology to sell as a mass produced product. However the 2 are actually closer related than you think. Industrialization needs usability as robotic or dark factories are a very heavy investment. Usability will allow a user to work more efficient and make less mistakes over time
The New Xeal and Tiultra coatings were approved by the regulating body’s in 2020. The very small scale production had to suddenly ramp up to large scale manufacturing. This was and still is all done by hand moving implants from certain chemical baths and cleaners to packaging and processing. The bespoke driver filled a technical gap of handling the tiny implants pick up and placement. Ergonomics and ease of use were key factors in its design
Company: Nobel Biocare
Role: Global Head of Industrial Design & Graphics